Fake Apps Are Real Problems

Spammers are now trying to get your information through fake apps. Here are some things to look for to make sure you’re downloading a legit app.

Data Privacy Day

Given the frequency and magnitude of identity theft, it’s vitally important to do what you can to protect your personal information. Learn more at staysafeonline.org. Click on “STAY SAFE ONLINE” and get tips about Online Safety Basics, Managing Your Privacy, and more. Secure your devices: Use strong passwords, passcodes, or touch ID features to lock your devices. Think before you app: …

4 Tips to Help Senior Family Members Beat Technophobia

Keep it simple. Tablet computers are ideal for first-timers because of their simple design and intuitive, touch-screen interface. Increase accessibility. Software packages are available that transform a busy screen into an easy-to-navigate, large-text interface that makes email and photo sharing a breeze (Eldy or Emerge Desktop, for example). Write instructions down. After introducing a new skill, leave a simple list …

Virtual Challenges Can Spread Like Wildfire

Viral challenges have been popular on social media for years — from the Ice Bucket Challenge that raised $115 million for ALS research to the Tide Pod Challenge that led to health ramifications. Curious about what makes challenges go viral? You’ll get answers in your Winter 2020 Website Compass magazine.  Link: https://flipyourpages.com/flip_pages/WebsiteCompass/truleap/10/

What Are the benefits of Nextdoor?

Find out the benefits of Nextdoor which is kind of like Facebook for your neighborhood so it includes more relevant information. https://enewsletterhome.com/_eNewsletter/2020/2001_Section_J.html

Video Chats Can Help You Feel Closer During the Holidays

In a perfect world, families would all be together in one place to celebrate the holidays. But as families grow and spread to different cities, it’s often not feasible for everyone to attend holiday events in person. Fortunately, video chats — via services such as Skype, FaceTime, and Google Hangouts — allow families to be “together” wherever they may be. …

Be On Guard Whenever You Shop Online

Getting scammed puts a damper on the fun and convenience of online shopping. Fortunately, you can outsmart the scammers by using the shopping strategies in the Beyond the Basics article in our Fall 2019 Website Compass magazine. It tells you what to look for to spot a fake website, how to do your homework before ordering, and why you shouldn’t …


If you make New Year’s resolutions, they will  probably include some type of physical fitness goals. Well, it’s also a good idea to make sure your computer is in good shape for 2020. Here are some easy things to do to make sure your computer stays fit—and they’re easier than dieting and going to the gym.

Are You Keeping Up With Updates?

Updates may seem like one of those things your computer does that just gets in the way of you using it. However, updates are more than just better versions of your software or operating system (OS). They provide critical security components that can help prevent viruses and other serious issues. Learn all about updates and how to stay on top …

Oops! How to Edit Social Media Posts

We’ve all been there: We posted something regrettable on social media in a moment of anger or spotted a misspelled word. Depending on how you use social media, none of this might matter. But, if you’re a stickler for detail, there are ways to edit your posts on most social media sites. Find out how by flipping through our Social …